Lizzi Crossing Review

Grade: B+

A puzzle game where minesweeper meets nonograms.

Lizzi Crossing is a small puzzle game. You get plopped onto a 12X12 top-down map and there’s a bunch of bombs hidden. There are clues in two places. First, you have the numbers on the map. Those numbers reveal how many mines are right beside you.

You also have the numbers along the top and the side. Those clues tell you how many mines are in the row or column and how many of them are in a row.

Between the clues on the map, and the clues on the side and top, your frog friend can identify the mines and mark the map.

Clues are along the top and side and on the map.

As you walk around, your goal is to find some stairs to the next level and not get blown up. You have 3 frog lives before it’s game over.

Each level is procedurally generated, and so your challenge is to see how many levels you can clear before making a mistake. This game is a love letter to minesweeper, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything it does, it does well.

This game pairs well with a glass of wine and a podcast. The only knock I have on the game is that it doesn’t have any twists and turns as you progress the levels. Each level is procedurally generated and is unique, but is relatively the same as the level before.

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