Nuclear Throne Review

Grade: A

A rogue-lite set in a mutated nuclear apocalypse

I’m a big fan of Nuclear Throne, and it’s hard to judge these things, but I give it “cult classic” status. Nuclear Throne has been my go-to game when I have a few free minutes and need a mental break. In general, this is a game to look at if you like grubby, violent animation, crazy weapons, and endless combat.


In Nuclear Throne, the characters are all sitting around a campfire, figuring out how to escape this dark, mutated, apocalyptic universe. If they can just get to the Nuclear Throne, perhaps they can change the course of this world. I imagine they are a band of revolutionaries trying to make sense of this broken universe. Each character has different strengths, and you can play anyone you’ve unlocked.

My favorite is the fish because he has a roll/dodge ability that I’ve grown to use extensively.

Each character has strengths you can lean on.

I’ve tried a few games in local co-op mode, and you can bring multiple characters to the gameplay. However, with so many bullets flying with more than one character on screen, it’s way more complex than a single player.

Nuclear Throne Trailer

Epically brutal and satisfying combat

I’m never able to get to the end of the Nuclear Throne, but somehow, it’s still stayed fun after many attempts. The game starts with a few relatively easy levels, and you hope to get lucky with weapons and powerups. As the game goes on, there are bonkers weapons you can get.

I did capture one of my best playthroughs on video, but there are many better players out there. I’ve watched in awe as others have succeeded where I cannot.

One of my furthest travels in the world of Nuclear Throne. I had the minigun and a split crossbow.
My stats. 258 runs in, and I still haven’t beaten the game.

Gameplay and music go well together

Each level has a unique soundtrack written by Jukio Kallio, and it’s one of my favorite overall game soundtracks.

Some of my favorites are:

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