Codemancer Chapter 1 Review

Grade: B-

Fantasy Coding Tutorial Game for kids

Codemancer is a fantasy coding game for kids. It’s meant to use the wonders of fantasy to get people interested in learning the wonders of coding. But, overall, the story is not that interesting. Your dad gets captured by an evil thing, and you and your familiar go fight through the world and various challenges to save him.

Codemancer Trailer

The gameplay didn’t grab me.

The levels aren’t that interesting. It takes a while and much fiddling to get the right combinations with the least actions. Once you get the premise, there wasn’t much in the way of new concepts. The coding concepts are mostly instruction-giving/procedural, suitable for this age group (6-12-year-olds). This heavy leaning towards the procedural concepts of programming makes it a bit tedious, though.

Gameplay screen

This would be a great game for introducing someone to coding and for learning a few programming concepts, but for me, I didn’t have that much fun with it. The idea was neat, but for a game in the fantasy genre, it lacked imagination.

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