Welcome to Knave Gaming!

We’re dedicated to independent game reviews and sharing our love of unique games with our readers.

How do I get around the review collection?

To get started, you can just jump into Random Reviews!

The easiest way to scan the games en masse is to visit my itch.io racial justice public collection that has the reviews ranked and organized.

Or, if you’re looking for a specific sub-set of games by grade or type, then you can check out the search/filter on the right-hand side in Desktop view or towards the bottom of the screen in mobile.

How did I start my interest in independent games?

In the summer of 2020, itch.io came up with an incredible idea. They reached out to their community of indie game developers and created the itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality.

In the end, when the bundle opened and closed, over 800,000 gamers decided to purchase this bundle from itch and support the initiative. It raised over 8 million dollars, far exceeding its goals, and was a major charity event. Itch.io has claimed that this bundle is the largest ever to exist! Going through the hundreds of games in the itch.io bundle opened my eyes to this amazing independent game marketplace.

What is the goal of the itch.io bundle for racial justice and equality review project?

I aim to review and grade every one of the video games in the itch.io bundle for racial justice and equality. While the task ahead of me is gargantuan, I’ll keep going as long as it is fun. So far, I am having a blast. There are a total of 967 windows games that I aim to review.

Thus far, I’ve written over 50,000 words to get over 100 games reviewed on this site. If I review around 50 games every 6 months, I’ll finish the full bundle years from now, in 2029 or 2030. It’ll be a long ride!

What’s the point of this project?

  • I love that the whole indie gaming community pulled together for this initiative. This bundle was contributed to and purchased with an overwhelming outpouring of support, and the least I can do is give some free press to these indie game developers, who sold their game for charity for just cents on the dollar.
  • I hope this project will be helpful to those that are attempting to navigate the itch.io bundle behemoth and figuring out which games to play.
  • I get bored easily, so flipping through many indie games and trying new things is a fun activity. As long as I’m having fun, I will keep going.